
Entrepreneurial Spirit – Hispanic Heritage Month

As a Hispanic immigrant from Venezuela, I have always been very connected to my roots through community service, work, and the like. My impact within the Hispanic community came from my experience working for various local, Hispanic media outlets, nonprofit organizations, as well as, producing events and leading other organizations in ...

4 things you should know about Hispanics in the U.S.

The Latino population represents the minority-majority in the United States. According to the latest census in 2020, Hispanics had already exceeded 60 million people. This is a community that is gaining momentum and is becoming one of the most important demographics to draw interest from large companies. However, to reach this ...

4 características de los hispanos en USA que debes conocer

La población latina en los Estados Unidos representa la minoría mayoritaria del país. Según el último censo, para el 2020 ya habían superado los 60 millones de personas. Una comunidad que va adquiriendo mayor fuerza, al punto de ser una de las economías más importantes y un público que atrae ...

Email Marketing Best Practices

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective practices to communicate with your customers. Its versatility and low cost can give you incredible results if you know how to take advantage of it. If your purpose for this year is to improve your email marketing campaign, then here are ...

8 apps for online meetings during a quarantine

To reduce the spread of coronavirus, many companies are turning to working remotely. We’re here to help. We’ve gathered a few of the resources we’ve created within our business to help you transition your team. Here are 8 digital tools that can help you make this process an easier one. 1) FaceTime: ...

5 powerful reasons to hire a digital marketing agency

1. Your company will be in the hands of professionals in the marketing field, with experience in communication, design, public relations and much more. They will guide you through the process, suggest ideas, keep your business up to date and they will do so by using the latest digital techniques ...

About Bold Digital Marketing Studio

Have you heard about Bold Digital Marketing Studio? We are a new modern digital marketing company based in Orlando, Florida. We have a team of people working with us around the world, from the U.S. to Venezuela and all the way to Spain. We love the diversity of our team and how ...

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