. María Daniela

  Vina Hernandez

No matter how you do it, the important thing is to reach the desired goal.

– I am the Executive and Digital Marketing Assistant –

Born in Caracas, Venezuela, María Daniela has a degree in Business Administration with a Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management. She has extensive experience as a corporate events and promotional campaign planner. She also has experience in supporting Senior Management.

María Daniela is our great organizer and planner. She coordinates and executes everything related to the BOLD CEO’s schedule and supports the company’s different departments. As many say, she is the right hand of the organization.

Spontaneous, charismatic, a fighter, and a dreamer, María Daniela is a woman who fights for what she wants and what she likes. She is the mother of a three-year-old daughter and enjoys exercising outdoors.

She is always willing to collaborate and help. We love having her on the team with her big smile and superpower: Organization.

Her planner is always on her desk, along with a few chocolates, of course.

As she says, “No one is as good as all of us together,” and she is part of #TeamBold.

 She inspires us and she’s part of our #TeamBold.

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