. Adriana


Walking alone, you arrive quickly. Accompanied, you go far.

– Key Account Manager –

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Adriana has completed several courses in Digital Marketing and is very interested in this field, which began with her personal venture. She started studying and managing digital communications independently and later became the Social Media Manager for a Spanish culinary company in Caracas. She has also worked directing and creating digital strategies for various companies in her country.

Adriana has worked as a freelancer through Upwork, serving as a designer and creating content for social media, including ad campaigns, editable templates, and other documents. She studied Law and holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Law and Legal Translation.

At BOLD, Adriana is dedicated to managing communication between clients and the company, ensuring the needs of both parties are met and projects run smoothly. She also leads the creation of comprehensive strategies across different services, taking charge of project management.

Adriana describes herself as communicative, supportive, empathetic, and committed. Her YouTube channel showcases these qualities, where she shares her freelance experience to help others.

She enjoys crafts and anything that allows her to unleash her creativity. She also loves reading, designing, reading, and playing tennis. Listening to people and Jarabe de Palo are some of her favorite things.

She always has a glass of water and some chocolates on her desk.

That’s Nana, and she is part of the BOLD Team.

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