How do I know if my marketing campaigns are working?

Imagine that you are an American university offering programs to Hispanic students, but you cannot connect with them and ultimately fail to reach your enrollment goals for this audience.

What is happening? 

To answer this question, you must first audit your marketing campaigns, social media, website, or entire strategy. That’s right, BOLDers, as a company, it is up to you to ensure your marketing initiatives are in good order. 

The word “audit” may sound boring, but it’s not. A marketing audit is as necessary as it is interesting. It allows you to evaluate all the processes related to your campaigns and marketing initiatives, thus helping you discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Let’s think about the products and services your business offers. Every marketing strategy you create must go through an audit. Start by asking yourself:

Am I using the right strategy to reach the Hispanic market?

Now, let’s start the audit work.


We have included a few frequently asked questions to give you a better understanding of audits.

What is the point of all this? 

By having a global view, you can determine what’s working and what’s not, make plans that counteract or improve the weakest aspects, analyze the performance of campaigns, establish best practices, and increasingly optimize your processes to generate leads and conversions.

How often are they performed? 

Marketing audits should be conducted every 6-12 months to ensure your strategy performs effectively.  

What should you evaluate? 

Usually, a digital marketing audit analyzes your website, SEO positioning, email marketing, social media, mobile apps, advertising, and digital campaigns.

Who performs the audit? 

The best option is to run it by a third party to ensure fair assessments and results. An experienced professional will guarantee the completeness of the analysis and obtain actionable information.

And here comes the big question: How are these audits performed?

To get the best results, it can be a lengthy process, BUT essentially, you should:

  1. Determine which elements you want to evaluate: Whether you should audit processes, results, or structure will depend on your objectives and the type of campaign you are running. Regarding the example of the American university, this institution could evaluate its website and user experience. 
  1. Identify your objectives: This will help you determine the type of audit you want to perform, whether to obtain specific data or get a global view of what is happening. Metrics that evaluate a website can significantly help in understanding user behavior.
  1. Define your ideal customer: It is essential to define your target audience, depending on your campaigns and goals. If you want to reach the Hispanic market, you should identify all of their characteristics and behavior. 
  1. Develop a SWOT analysis and study the competition. Understanding yourself and what is happening allows you to check your status and improve. 
  1. Create reports: Reports allow you to record and communicate observations and recommendations to the team based on the audit results. They serve as a starting point for implementing new actions.
  1. Study the data in depth: Monitoring metrics is essential. Each indicator serves as a measurement system, providing valuable information that allows you to evaluate the results and performance of your strategies.
What do I do now?

Now that you have assessed your campaigns’ performance, effectiveness, and behavior, you can use that data as a guide for implementing new actions to achieve greater results. 

To finish with the example at the beginning, one way to establish a closer connection with the Hispanic audience is by transcreating your website’s content into Spanish. Offering information in their language makes them feel important.

Remember that you can count on BOLD as your partner. Learn more about our audit services.

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